Knowing who to call whenever you need furnace service is essential in keeping your heating system efficiency. If your technicians are incompetent or inexperienced, you may end up with more problems than you began with. In this industry, plenty claim to be the best but end up falling short where it matters. Calgary Furnace Pro is not like that. Our extensive knowledge in various Furnace solutions, high-grade equipment, and top-tier technicians allows us to deliver precisely what you need whenever you need it.

Repairing Furnace
Repairing Furnace


Calgary Furnace Pro is always in active pursuit of excellence. Every time we work, we make sure to keep our customers’ satisfaction our highest priority and actively work towards providing results that go beyond their expectations. That is the reason why our company boasts a broad base of satisfied customers who are more than willing to vouch for professionalism and excellence in the field.

Dirty Filter Furnace


Calgary Furnace Pro is always in active pursuit of excellence. Every time we work, we make sure to keep our customers’ satisfaction our highest priority and actively work towards providing results that go beyond their expectations. That is the reason why our company boasts a broad base of satisfied customers who are more than willing to vouch for professionalism and excellence in the field.


Regular inspection of the furnace  is the key in prolonging your furnace efficiency and lifespan. It can also reduce and prevent potential safety hazards that may crop up from having a broken heating system.

Calgary Furnace Pro can ensure that you’ll maximize the use of the furnace and cut potential costs from having to replace your heater frequently. Our comprehensive inspection and maintenance plan is continuously improved and upgraded to ensure that you receive the best service available. As always, we aim to provide your home the warmth, safety, and comfort it needs in the most cost-efficient way possible. If you need to schedule a maintenance appointment, be sure to contact our team today.

Replace Furnace


Over the years, dust, dirt, and grime can settle in your furnace and ducts and make the air in your home feel suffocating. If not immediately addressed, the dust build-up will not only cause the inefficient functioning of your furnace; it’ll also cause odors to develop and turn your indoor air into a hazard.

Our company has state-of-the-art equipment and innovative cleaning methods that ensure maximum dirt is removed from your furnace and ducts. Once we’re done with our clean-up, you can breathe easy knowing that you’ve achieved these benefits:

  1. Healthier, cleaner, and more comfortable home
  2. More efficient cooling and heating system
  3. Reduced hazards and allergies


With our extensive experience and intuitive solutions, you can maintain a comfortable and warm home even in during the harshest of winters. No matter the model, the make, or the problem, Calgary Furnace Pro will be there to keep your furnace running at maximum efficiency.

We understand that every home has its distinct characteristics and needs. That’s why we also focus on providing custom furnace services that are tailored to your specific situation. We combine our professional expertise with our genuine desire to see you get the most out of every service so you can expect only the most expert service from us every single time.

Whether you need furnace maintenance, duct cleaning or furnace repair, you can trust Calgary Furnace Pro to have your back. Our skilled and friendly technicians won’t hesitate to go to your home, assess your problem, and provide the most cost-effective solution that you need.

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11 Springbank Terrace SW Calgary AB T3H 4S8